Arani Desai is a former member of the Doom Patrol known as Celsius. After a psychotic break following a fight with Mr. Nobody in the 50s, she believed she was married to Niles Caulder.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Metahuman physiology: Through unknown means, Arani's DNA was altered turning her into a meta-human.
- Thermokinesis: She can create and control extreme temperature changes.
- Heat/Fire Manipulation: She can rapidly generate heat, and use this to create fireballs and other fire or heat based projections.
- Cold Manipulation: She can also use the opposite of this process to create cold, and though this create ice and snow effects.
- Thermokinesis: She can create and control extreme temperature changes.
- Celsius suit: Arani has a suit that she used when fighting crime as Celsius.
Season 1[]
Season 3[]
- "Vacay Patrol" (picture)
- Celsius was the first DC Comics superhero to be of South Asian heritage.