- "You had a time machine. You could have changed all of this. But instead, you went back to Codsville and locked the door and made sure everyone died."
- —Larry Trainor to Rita Farr[src]
Codsville is a city in Maine.
Tasked by the Brotherhood of Evil to eliminate Rita Farr, the conqueror Garguax and his butler Samuelson hid in Codsville awaiting her arrival, residing in the Codsville Mountain Resort until learning of the Doom Patrol's defeat of the Brotherhood, causing Garguax to go into depression and leave the mission behind to live in Codsville for several years.
In 2021, Rita, Vic Stone, Crazy Jane and Cliff Steele teleported to Codsville to take a break from their troubles and the death of Niles Caulder, meeting Garguax, discovering that was an enemy and Niles. Despite the possible threat, the group distanced themselves due to their problems, preferring to stay in different parts of the resort, which Garguax saw and decided to leave the city with Samuelson as he never received the start of the mission. Before leaving Codsville, Garguax and Samuelson received the signal when a time machine appeared, so Samuelson killed his former boss and took it upon himself to kill the group of friends with a Death Ray, especially Rita, who was killed when caught by a future version of her.
Known Locations[]
Known inhabitants[]
Current inhabitants[]
- Jim Thompson
Former inhabitants[]
- Garguax (deceased)
- Samuelson
- Rita Farr
- Vic Stone
- Crazy Jane
Season 3[]
- "Vacay Patrol"
- "Undead Patrol" (mentioned)
- "Subconscious Patrol" (flashback)
- "Evil Patrol" (mentioned)
- In the DC Comics, Codsville is a small town in Maine that was threatened by General Zahl, but the Doom Patrol sacrificed themselves to save the small island, causing the citizens of Codsville to rename the town Four Heroes.