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"Evil Patrol" is the ninth episode of the third season of Doom Patrol. It premiered on HBO Max on November 4, 2021.


With Madame Rouge vying for her old spot in the Brotherhood of Evil, the Doom Patrol brace themselves for their impending visit.


In 1917, Rita, Laura and Shelley Byron were having fun while planning to do a dance sequence titled "Woman Pets a Cat", but Laura would actually turn into a bird, surprising Rita, who showed her performance to be a part of the film, having a good time with her friends. Now in present, Rita confronts Laura for betraying the Sisterhood of Dada, telling her that she had traded everything for power and Laura mentioned that they were truths that she accepted over time, angering Rita, mentioning that she will not be able to run away for hiding the time machine , preventing her from going anywhere, however Laura was determined to see the Brotherhood of Evil again, making Rita laugh, who told her that Niles and the Doom Patrol defeated the villains years ago. Laura decided to reform the Brotherhood, transforming into a bird to flee, leaving Rita frustrated. Larry takes the larva to the Doom Manor, where Jane and Cliff began to laugh at the larva, humiliating Larry for not being able to raise Paul right until Larry woke up, finding out it was a nightmare, noting that the larva made a mess, so he agreed to get going to be a good father.

At Orsus Labs, Vic was talking to Silas about the Eternal Flagellation and its operation, listening to him talk about the times he took him to the hospital, even Silas remembered the time he was late for a game of his because a guard from S.T.A.R. Labs harassed him. Silas spoke to Vic when he had to choose to put cybernetic nanotechnology on him to save him, making Vic angry, claiming that he didn't care how the world saw him, complaining about his overprotectiveness, turning him into a symbol, deciding to be the man he was born to be, leaving Silas crying. In The Underground, Jane demanded answers from Kay where the other personas were, learning that she had no idea, but was happy they were gone because she could be happy, getting mad at Jane for not understanding her, getting on the subway to take her role as the host while Jane heard strange noises. In Boca Raton, Florida, Laura went to a retirement home, talking to Monsieur Mallah about her time travel mission, but Mallah pretended not to recognize her until Ultimax ordered them to let Laura pass, thinking she was a fan of the Brotherhood. Back at the manor, Cliff returns sad, reuniting with Vic, surprised by his new appearance, criticizing him about General Tony's opinion.

Rita explains to Kay about the Brotherhood, learning that she had no powers. Vic and Cliff arrive, angering Rita that Vic didn't have her tech equipment, shocking her because it was normal. Larry arrives at the meeting, introducing the larva, who complimented Vic on his new appearance while Cliff was angry that he didn't get anything positive. Rita reminded the group that she tried to work with the subconscious group to stop the Brotherhood, but now she could work with the real group, explaining about the team of villains. Ultimax receives Laura while Mallah insulted her and Laura reports amnesia from the time machine trip, admitting that she had to receive help from Niles' creations to remember her identity, causing her to choose the wrong mission, asking for help from Niles. their former leader to destroy their former roommates, an offer that Ultimax declined. Laura convinced Ultimax to erase Niles' legacy as his archenemy, ordering Mallah to search for his weaponry. The group discusses if the Brotherhood would come for them, even though they had disintegrated years ago and Vic was demoted by Rita for not having their technology. Larry is electrocuted by the larva's rays, drawing Rita's attention to his power. Cliff becomes angry with Rita for traveling back in time without doing anything with her life, scolding her until apologetic, offering his help in fighting off the villains, before quickly retreating when he hears Clara. Laura checks out various Brotherhood lethal, non-lethal, and teleportation weapons for her mission and was prepared by Ultimax for her new target.

Clara reveals to her father that the pills had side effects: impulse control, lust, and gambling, which Cliff had done all along, listening to Clara's desire to see a real doctor. Kay is in Niles' interrogation room, where she meets Vic, to whom she reveals that she was finally happy with herself now that she didn't have the personalities, who never let her up, lamenting that she couldn't talk to someone and Vic. he offered to pretend to be like Niles to help her get over her regret. Rita talks to Larry about her past with Laura, planning revenge now that she has changed, impressing Larry, who suffered again from the larva's rays and Rita was about to leave until he remembered Laura's shifter powers. As Clara calls for a doctor, Rita talks to Cliff for a moment, discussing his theory that Clara was actually Laura, which Cliff didn't believe, getting upset that he couldn't have a good thing, so he heads into the kitchen to talk with his daughter, finding Rory and reunites with Clara, realizing that she has the real Rory, discovering that the fake Rory was Laura. Cliff attempted to fight Laura, calling the rest of the group to fight her, playing ping pong against her and accidentally launching the larva from his lightning bolts.

A terrified Kay, switched places with Jane to help and Laura used an electrifying weapon to knock Cliff out, before being surrounded by the group and Clara, but Laura managed to escape with Cliff with a teleportation watch. Rita told Clara to take care of Rory, promising that they would bring Cliff back safely. Due to her friend's kidnapping, Rita finally encouraged the group to stop the Brotherhood, tasking Vic with locating the Brotherhood and Larry starting the bus. Jane was hesitant to fight the Brotherhood due to her having no powers without the rest of the people and the collapse of The Underground, though Rita convinced her to go to the rescue because it was all about Cliff, finding out from Vic that the Brotherhood was in Florida, beginning his journey. Cliff wakes up in Ultimax's home, who was impressed and disappointed in him for not recognizing the miracle of his robotic body with his brain, becoming angry with Niles because he used magic for his experiments, becoming jealous, considering it unfair that Cliff is the only one in his class and Ultimax presumed to get revenge when he took over his body, revealing to him that he was the one who bought the plans.

Laura explained to Cliff the plan to pretend that Ultimax was "Robotman" and they would both infiltrate the manor to kill the group one by one, shocking Cliff because she was a total villain, before Ultimax said it wasn't true, ordering Mallah injects Laura to sleep before ripping Cliff's brain out of his body. Kay tries to find Jane in The Underground. During the trip, Larry accepts that Cliff was right because their new beginnings were different, getting jealous because Vic could have a normal life, making Vic angry because of his friends' jealousy and Jane trying to calm the situation because they had to save Cliff as she had said. Rita, causing Larry to laugh at the lie. Outside the retirement center, Ultimax sees Laura wake up, informing her that she won't be able to use her powers, confessing her betrayal because now that she had a new body, she could live happily in Boca Raton without having to go back to being bad like she wanted to 70 years, putting Laura to sleep again and sending her in a van. Going on with the trip, Rita continues to lie about rescuing Cliff until Larry reveals that Rita traveled back in time without changing anything, revealing to Jane and Vic that she was the cause of his murder in Codsville.

In truth, Rita revealed that she could have changed everything, but she was afraid that if she did, she would never be able to love Malcolm DuPont and have the Brotherhood as his friends before Laura threatened. Rita demanded that they at least behave on their mission, revealing her desire to kill Laura, upsetting Larry because he had lied to them and Rita and Larry yelled at Vic for continuing to talk about his appearance. Kay keeps looking until she starts running away after seeing several red eyes. Happy for his new body, Ultimax listened to the song Les Champs-Elysées, which was composed by him and Mallah, beginning to dance for his new life. Mallah left Laura's body on a stretcher attached to Cliff's brain to throw them into the void. As Rita, Vic and Larry argued, Jane let out a sonic scream due to Kay's fear of the creatures and the larva lost control, causing along with Jane's scream an explosion that derailed the bus. The bus spun alongside the group, crashing to the ground.



Special appearance by[]

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  • When The Brain steals Cliff's body, it is a reference to Doom Patrol Vol. 2 comic 34 when Brain takes Robotman's living body.
  • Only Jane and Kay are left in their head; the other alters never left the Fog's dimension.


Promotional stills[]

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