- "We had it good here. But you have ruined everything. Now The Brain has his new body and the cycle of conquest will begin anew. I realize I must put this business of 'Evil' behind me and move on. And so, I thank you, for being the catalyst for my change."
- —Mallah to Laura De Mille[src]
Monsieur Mallah is an super-intelligent French gorilla and a former member of the Brotherhood of Evil. After the brotherhood's defeat, Mallah and his master Ultimax retired.
Years later, Madame Rouge found them and recruited them to destroy Niles Caulder 's creations. Mallah refused to be a villain again and decided to go on with his life alone.
Member of the Brotherhood of Evil[]
In 1917, Mallah was with Brain drawing a time machine to use in his plan for world domination.
Eric Morden mentioned that he was replaced by Mallah.[1]
In 1949, When Laura De Mille looked for a job in the sorority, Mallah and Ultimax asked her many evil questions and how she was fired from the Bureau of Normalcy. Mallah was excited to hire Laura and gave her her supervillain name, Madame Rouge.
Mallah and The Brain were angry that Niles Caulder was building an army to defeat them. Mallah tried to repair the horn to summon one of his alien allies, but was frustrated when he saw that the machine was barely working. Mallah and Brain then saw Garguax the Decimator arrive and tasked him with going to Codsville to find and assassinate Rita Farr.
The Brotherhood of Evil vs. the Doom Patrol[]
During the 1950s, Mallah and the Brotherhood of Evil faced off against Caulder and his team of superheroes, the Doom Patrol. In 1957, the Brotherhood of Evil was defeated, but Mallah and Ultimax managed to escape.
Mallah and Ultimax moved to Boca Raton, Florida, to finally retire and rest from evil.
The Return of Madame Rouge[]
Mallah heard that Laura had returned to return to evil, but Mallah tried to prevent her from entering the retirement home until Brain agreed to allow her to enter. Mallah kept avoiding Rouge's evil intentions until Brain forced him to search for his weapons. Mallah knocked out Laura to rip the brain out of Cliff Steele's body for Brain to use Cliff's body for fun in his retirement. Mallah took Cliff and Laura away in a pickup truck to throw them into the woods.
He spent the whole night smoking and contemplating, before opting against throwing Rouge into the woods. When Laura woke up, Mallah was surprised and told her that everything was incredible until she arrived. Mallah decided to abandon evil and Ultimax for good, leaving Rouge in the forest for her to escape.
Season 1[]
- "Penultimate Patrol" (mentioned)
Season 3[]
- ↑ Dingess, Chris (writer) & Rodriguez, Rebecca (director) (May 17, 2019). "Penultimate Patrol". Doom Patrol. Season 1. Episode 14. DC Universe.