Pretty Polly is one of Kay Challis's many alters. In the underground, Pretty Polly appeared as a woman dressed in a gothic dress with red Xs over her eyes. She is shown to be bossy, though she is easily upset, and has rarely surfaced.
Pretty Polly is one of the many alters of Kay Challis whose mind fragmented due to suffering sexual abuse from her own father at the young age of five.
Pretty Polly was shown to be one of the oldest alters to have been manifested by Kay Challis, having been shown to be present during Kay's adolescence and Miranda time as Primary.
During Kay's forcible exorcism at her mother's behest, Polly was one of the alters attempting to have Kay surface to save them from being drowned to death. However her suggestion was quickly shot down by the newly manifested Miranda.
Later during Miranda having been pressured to have swinger sex with one of her boyfriend Johnny's friends, Polly was one of the alters that surfaced when Miranda began losing control due to remembering their father's abuse of Kay during mid sex. Polly quickly manifested after Penny Farthing and expressed visible disturbance at the orgy and later began to hysterically laugh in panic, confusion, fear and disgust as she was quickly replaced by Scarlet Harlot. Eventually when Miranda was brought back to the Underground, Polly could be seen still laughing hysterically in a daze due to the experience as Mama Pentecost and The Nun held her hands to calm her down.
Powers and abilities[]
- Metahuman physiology: While all of Jane's alters are said to have a power, Pretty Polly has rarely ever surfaced after they obtained their powers and as a result has never had opportunity to use said power.
Season 1[]
- "Donkey Patrol" (mentioned)
- "Jane Patrol"
Season 2[]
- "Fun Size Patrol"
- "Pain Patrol"
- "Finger Patrol"
- "Space Patrol"
- "Dumb Patrol"
- "Dad Patrol"
- "Wax Patrol"
Season 3[]
- "Possibilities Patrol"
- "Dada Patrol"
- "1917 Patrol"
- "Bird Patrol"
- "Subconscious Patrol"
- "Amends Patrol"
Season 4[]
- "Youth Patrol"
- "Hope Patrol"
- "Tomb Patrol" (mentioned)
- "Portal Patrol"
- During Jane's argument with the other alters, it has been stated by her that Polly herself has never surfaced into their body.
- However, as revealed in "Wax Patrol" that Polly had indeed surfaced due to having appeared to take control of their body during Miranda's last days as primary. This is seen where she briefly surfaced during their traumatic sexual experience with Johnny Bills.
- This implies that after Jane took over as Primary, Polly has never surfaced since.