Doom Patrol Wiki

"What the f*ck!? (...) I have no f*cking idea what's going on! And I really mean that this time!"

"Sex Patrol" is the fourth episode of the second season of Doom Patrol. It premiered on DC Universe and HBO Max on July 2, 2020.


When the Dannyzens arrive at Doom Manor to save Danny the Brick, Flex Mentallo helps Rita release her mental block – and, incidentally, much more.

When the Dannyzens throw a massive party at Doom Manor to resuscitate Danny the Brick, Dorothy longs to join the festivities and experience life as a grown-up. As the party rages on, Rita asks Flex Mentallo to help unleash her full potential, which has some dangerously racy consequences.


London: 1978[]

Niles is visiting Dorothy who is still residing with Danny, but in a room below the actual street, the young girl doesn't want him to leave. Ignoring how lonely she seems, Niles instead cautions her not to ever make a wish. When Niles inevitabl leaves, Danny tries to remind him that the girl needs her father and that she can't stay forever.

Present Day[]

Danny remains broken in two after Dorothy accidently broke him when she was home alone. Someone rings the doorbell and it's the Dannyzens along with Flex Mentallo, who says that in his estimation, Danny is in very bad shape, but Mora Lee Karrupt realizes that the way to help Danny is to throw a party to power them up with joy, love, laughter, and music. Niles promises that Danny will be back to themself by bedtime. However, the only reason he says that is because Nile wants to get Danny fixed, so that he can send Dorothy back to them.

In The Underground, Jane is in a cell and speaks with Hammerhead while the Hangman's Daughter is currently in charge of Kay Challis' body.

Back at Doom Manor, Cliff goes to talk with Jane and poses some tough questions such as how she'll survive in the real world which ultimately result in her getting upset.

Elsewhere, with preparations for the party in full force, Flex flexes things into place, though Rita is unable to hang the disco ball on command. Flex is also incredibly kind to Dorothy and uses his powers to have her hang the disco ball instead. Later, Dorothy tells Rita she lived in the doll factory under Danny and never got to participate in the parties. As a result, Rita gives her a little bit of a makeover to which Niles disapproves.

When the party doesn't fix Danny, Mora Lee decides it's time to spice things up, with Dorothy's help. She begins to sing "Pure Imagination" from the Willy Wonkilm, and that seems to work. Danny sends a message of thanks to Dorothy for the song and the party kicks off in full now that they're somewhat back. Unfortunately for Dorothy, time passes and it soon is bedtime for her, and she is forced leave the party.

Vic eventually returns, whereas Scarlet Harlot take over Kay's body and decides to join the party rather than leave. Rita for her part convinces Larry to dance but gets distracted by Flex's powers. Larry tries and fails to flirt after the man reveals he is curious to see what he’s hiding beneath all of his bandages, and Cliff settles into a night of altered consciousness thanks to the Niles-supplied ecstasy flowing through the liquid where his human brain’s suspended.

Now in her room, the sinister voice of the Candlemaker tries to convince Dorothy to go back to the party. Dorothy eventually listens and ends up sneaking a drink and while Danny chastises her, he agrees to give her ten more minutes to enjoy the party.

Flex tells Rita the secret to the control of his powers is simply to clear his mind. Since the last time that Rita had a clear mind was when she had the orgasm Flex caused on Danny the Street, she asks him to do it again. He agrees and after a bit of negotiation, he flexes, and it does work. But Rita's release alerts a being all the way in Nepal who disappears into a shadowy blob.

Burbank: 1931[]

Young Rita watches her mother get ready as a major movie executive is coming to visit. Rita is eager to get a part in a movie, but her mother sends her to bed, implying that Rita isn't pretty. She later sees her mother having sex with the movie executive, much to her devastation.

Present Day:[]

Vic chats with Maura Lee about Roni. Maura tells Vic that human beings are cruel to each other, but it's rooted in self-hatred that they turn on people who are different. She also tells him that life is short, and he should go where he feels love.

While most everyone gets busy preparing themselves for Danny’s return, Cliff does everything in his power not to rage at the fact that he’s back at the manor despite his growing resentment toward Niles, who he now understands as being instrumental in the accident that ended his life as a flesh and blood human. As Cliff dances, the shadow shows up and upstairs.

Cliff eventually finds a dejected Larry, while outside the manor, the Sex Men are evaluating the situation and it's apparently bad. Inside, Dr. Harrison now takes over Kay's body just as the Sex Men show up. They start to try to track down the "hypersexual energy" that attracts a Sex Demon called "Shadowy Mr. Evans". Dr. Harrison goes to the Sex Men's van and chats with Agent Cuddles. Here, she finds out that if the Sex Demon absorbs enough energy, he gives birth to a baby that, when it cries, will turn the world essentially horny and will wipe out all of the children. Jane switches personalities again, this time to Hammerhead upon hearing that caveat of information..

Meanwhile, Candlemaker tries his hardest to convince Dorothy that Danny isn't really her friend but her prison and so she asks Danny. Danny tells her the truth, which unintentionally gives Candlemaker a foothold with the forever young girl. Dorothy takes an ice pick while Candlemaker encourages her to kill Danny. She tells Danny she can't go back, and they admit they can't either.

In Rita's room, the Sex Demon is about to give birth and just as the baby is being born, Jane shows up and makes her way to the baby, shoving it back into the Sex Demon and banishing him in the process. The party begins to disperse. A very high Cliff hugs Hammerhead and convinces her to release Jane, who continues being primary for the time being.

Alas, Niles talks with Danny, who refuses to hold Dorothy prisoner any longer. Later, once they have improved greatly they decide against being a street again, and instead opts for becoming a tire in this new journey of theirs. They invite the Dannyzens to come along to spread a message of acceptance and to breathe life into the outsiders. They vanish as a group, leaving the manor's residents to process the things that took place. Eventually, Rita and Dorothy talk and Rita ends up repeating to Dorothy what her mother told her when she was younger, which was to focus on her other talents. Thus, Dorothy decides she doesn't want to grow up and goes to make a wish, but Candlemaker rejects her, too.



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